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令你生活多姿多采的義工活動 Time to give: Volunteering in Hong Kong and the U.S.

記得我還在香港居住時,我做了一個決定,使我的人生更豐盛:這就是成為香港國際十字路會的義工。那時候,每周六或有空時,我都會在這個非牟利的機構當義工。起初我是負責把捐贈品分類,之後的好幾年 ,我都在它們的公平貿易咖啡店沖調咖啡。這不單令我對義務工作重新下定義,更令我認識一班來自世界各地的朋友。

Becoming a volunteer at Crossroads Foundation in Hong Kong in 2010 was a life-changing decision for me. When I was still living in Hong Kong, I volunteered at this non-profit organization every Saturday and whenever I was free. At first, I worked in the Incoming Department which helped sort the donations. Later, I volunteered in their fair trade café as a barista. Volunteering made me understand how fortunate I am to live in an affluent city like Hong Kong and I made friends with volunteers from all around the world.


When I first came to Indiana, I went online to check for volunteering opportunities. One day, we drove pass the Salvation Army and I decided it would be an ideal place for my first volunteering experience in the U.S. I later found out the Salvation Army has the need for volunteers in multiple aspects, e.g. youth group organizers, donations sorters, office assistants and thrift store helpers. I was interested to help out in the thrift store, thinking the working hours would be far more flexible and the job nature would be interesting. The application process was very simple. I was asked to fill out an application form and hand it in to the thrift store manager on my first day of volunteering.


The tasks in the thrift store include sorting the donations, placing them on the shelf, tidying up the goods and cleaning the store. There were some youths who worked here due to court ordered community service. When I told them I came to help on a voluntary basis, they were in disbelief. I laughed when I saw a youth cheer himself up when he finished an hour of community service. Although he was only there because of the court order, he was a hard worker and was willing to teach me how to differentiate male and female jeans.


There was 10% off for volunteers to shop in the thrift store. Therefore, I took the advantage and often shopped there. I even met my first friend in Bloomington at the thrift store. To my surprise, she likes Asian culture and has read news about Hong Kong.

除了在救世軍舊物店當義工,我也到市內的Buskirk-Chumley Theater做義務帶位員。話說一次欣賞話劇時,偶然知道劇院需要義務帶位員,於是便報名參加。那時候心想既可幫助劇院,也可免費欣賞節目,簡直一舉兩得。

Besides volunteering at the Salvation Army, I became a volunteer usher at Buskirk-Chumley Theater in Downtown Bloomington. I saw their volunteer recruitment notice when I visited the theater. It was a perfect opportunity for a show lover like me as I can enjoy the show after the ushering.


I met a few Chinese students when I was attending the volunteering orientation at the theater. The volunteer co-ordinator explained the responsibilities of the ushers. She also gave us a tour of the theater and showed us the emergency exits. I was surprised when I was told that I could get a free show ticket after volunteering twice. I felt the theater treated the volunteers nicely.


The most memorable ushering experience for me so far was the Glen Hansard's concert. It was a full house event with a lot of visitors from out of town. I was nervous as it was my first ushering of an event with assigned seats. Luckily, there was a cheat sheet of the seating plan on the back of the usher tag to make ushers’ life easier. I like volunteering in Buskirk-Chumley Theater as the audience is always friendly and shows appreciation to us. When it is not busy, I have the chance to chat with other ushers or even the crew members of the shows.


It is a worthwhile experience to volunteer, no matter in Hong Kong or in the U.S. As the saying goes, the more you give, the more you get. I highly recommend you to sign up for a volunteer program to give back to the community.

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